WeLcoMe to KuViLi's CorNeR......
My FaMiLy Tree....


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Two different families.. United as ONE....
(NOTE:  Arranged from Eldest to Youngest...)

~ Left side is my dad's side.... Right side is my mom's side...

  • My dad comes from a family of 14, he, being the second youngest.  And you can imagine the millions (feels like it...lol) of cousins I have.  Below, you'll see a breakdown of my Aunties and Uncles.  From them, to my cousins, to my nieces and nephews (man, saying this makes me feel old... heehee..)... Oh, and yah, some of these nieces and nephews?  Are already starting their own family... whew!  LoL... so here i go... 

My Father's side.... Grandfather Shiro Sigrah's & Grandmother Mary Skilling Sigrah's generation next.....

1.  Auntie Minnie married Uncle Austin Albert

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2.  Auntie Rosie married Uncle Gifford Nena

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3.  Auntie Erwine married Uncle Jack Youngstrom

4.  Uncle Sapino married Auntie Melissa (Isako)

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5.  Auntie Metilda married Uncle Mallun Nedlic

6.  Auntie Lucinda

7.  Uncle Fred married Auntie Maruko Siba -  (uncle  
     Fred is Uncle John's older twin brother)

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  • Uncle John married Auntie Kieko

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8.  Uncle Arthur married Auntie Kimie Noda

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9.  Uncle Richard married Auntie Abigail

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10.  Auntie Ester married Uncle Norman George

11.  Auntie Masimi married Uncle Frank Lonno

12.  Tadao (Dad) married Lenora Saimon (Mom)

13.  Uncle Diovil married Auntie Mila


  • My mom comes from a family of 5, she, being the youngest.  Ok, my mom's side is so much smaller, so i can name all of my cousins, their spouse, and their children.  lol... but i won't.  Anyhoo, below is my mom's side of the family...

My mother's side.... Grandfather Hosia Saimon & Grandmother Kenye Jackson Saimon's generation next.....

1.  Uncle Hamlin married Auntie Nemily
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2.  Auntie Detchugo married Uncle Madison Albert

3.  Uncle Josaiah married Auntie Seniora
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4.  Ned Saimon

5.  Lenora (Mom) married Tadao Sigrah (Dad)